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Go to the shopAbout Ven's Keuken
Hi! My name is Venus, I'm 34 years old, mom of 2 beautiful kids: Andrea (8) and Baby Will (1y.o). We started Ven's Keuken last September 2020 by accident when one of my friend was craving for tocino and I said yes i have it on stock because it is my husband André's favorite so she bought some and they found it yummy. I also tried baking breads but everytime i tried for the first time it's always a faillure but i did not stop from there, I tried new recipies, compaired and finally it was a success and now we have around 5 sort of breads available :-)
And we decided to open it as a homebased business since our needs is getting bigger so at least I can help my husband paying our bills, rents in my own little way.
With the help of my husband, some of my works gets easier.
Cooking with love and passion. We love to cook and serve to our family and friends and Dutch people too; and to let them experience and taste specially our Filipino Cuisine.